NumTutor: Practice Tool for Numerology Readings

This page displays two 4×4 grids of numerical values, in conjunction with a brief description of a querent (the person for whom a reading is conducted) and a topic of interest. The left grid contains randomly-generated values in the range 1–99; the right grid containes numerologically reduced versions of the same numbers. These are intended for study purposes, enabling numerologists to practice giving short readings for a variety of situations. The grids can be viewed as yantras, natal squares, or just an assortment of numbers pertaining to the topic at hand.

To generate a new querent and numeric values, click the “another reading” button. For maximum benefit, these practice readings should be spoken aloud, as they would be in a normal setting.

Numerology (divination using numbers) is popular among those new to giving readings, as it requires learning only a modest number of meanings (for 9, 10, or 11 numbers, depending on the particular method being employed), in conjunction with a contextual framework of some sort. It is also well-suited to a variety of reading situations, given its freedom from the occult trappings of some other systems.

The classic numerology text is Cheiro's Book of Numbers, but a likely more helpful contemporary volume is the excellent Numerology, by Hans Decoz. Richard Webster teaches a popular and very easily-learned method in his Chinese Numerology, and I explain the construction and interpretation of natal squares in my Calculated Thoughts.

… Doug Dyment