Your direct pipeline to the master cold reader …

Richard Webster’s

Psychic Bookshelf

Any psychic entertainer who hasn’t heard of New Zealand’s Richard Webster has likely been living in a cave. For more than forty years, this preeminent cold reader has penned many of the classic books in the field. From palmistry to pendulums, from aura reading to astral travel, Richard has explained both the topics and the business, and probably fueled more psychic entertainment careers than any ten other authors combined. And he writes from extensive personal experience, not theoretical imaginings. Richard’s writings for the trade are not widely available, but every single book is a gold mine to the practitioner with an interest in its subject matter.

As a courtesy to Deceptionary customers, and a personal favour to Richard, I provide this page, enabling orders for his trade publications to be placed directly with him. Please note that orders placed here go straight to Richard, who sends the books to you from New Zealand (via Air Mail). Like me, Richard is often on the road, and there may be occasional delays; fear not, though … I wholeheartedly recommend Mr. Webster as an honest person with whom to deal. There are good reasons why he has become the single most successful author in the history of psychic entertainment.

You may, if you wish, contact him directly by e-mail.

I have also included a list of Richard’s publications for the general public. They are among the very best introductions to a wide variety of New Age topics, and provide invaluable information to the psychic entertainer as well. These books are best obtained via a conventional bookseller; I have supplied convenient links to Amazon, which carries both new and used copies of most of Richard’s titles.

Finally, as this is Richard’s page, all product descriptions are in his own words …

Publications for the Trade

Click on any link to view a product description.

Publications for the General Public

Click on any link to view the product on the Amazon Web site.
(Some of these are out of print, though used copies are commonly available.)

Richard's Prodigious Output!

Alexander Nelson

Alexander Nelson is the pseudonym of a well-established UK mentalist. In this booklet, he explains his signature method of Q&A in which nothing is written down. He also explains three different versions that he uses on repeat bookings. The rest of the book shows you how to do Journey Readings. Alexander is a gifted psychic reader, and in his readings he takes his clients on a journey that helps them resolve any problems and concerns that they may have. In addition, his readings provide his clients with peace of mind, contentment, and an awareness of their spiritual nature. In effect, during the course of a reading, Alexander reaches into the person’s soul, and temporarily becomes that person. The words he says are apparently taken from the person’s subconscious mind, as he takes the place of the person he is reading for. These readings are easy to present, but have a profound, long-lasting effect on his clients. Alexander knows he can’t provide readings or do Q&A for everyone, but he’s concerned that his ideas might be misused, or shared widely with people who won’t understand or appreciate them. Because of this, only 100 copies of Alexander Nelson will be sold. 44 pages, 6×9-inch. US$62.50

Alexander Nelson’s Intimate Secrets

Alexander’s long-awaited second book contains more of his favourite effects, including:

Feeling Energy: A technique that allows you to build up your psychic energy and give better readings.

Entering the Body: A psychic presentation that will make your clients feel as if you have entered their bodies. You follow this with a reading they’ll never forget.

Zodiac Reading: It would be impossible to come up with an easier way to give astrology readings.

Three Crystal Readings: A simple method to give helpful, insightful readings, using just three gemstones.

Special Q&A and The Alexander Sensing Q&A. Two of Alexander’s favourite ways to do Q&A. Both are easy to do.

Imaginative Mind Reading: All that’s needed for this amazing reading is your client’s imagination.

The Amusement Park Journey: This takes your client on a journey via a very personal reading.

Alexander Nelson’s Past Life Regression: A technique that enables you to give someone a past life experience in five minutes.

64 pages, 6×9-inch case bound. US$125.00

The Astral Travel Workshop

A complete six-hour workshop on how to astral travel. This is the easiest way to make money in the psychic field I have ever come across. All you need is a group of people and this book to provide an entertaining and educational experience for your clients. I do not advertise these workshops, as word of mouth brings me in more than enough customers. I simply collect names until I have enough to conduct the workshop, and then set aside a day (usually a Saturday) to do it. The workshops are fun to do and extremely profitable. 56 pages. US$35.00

Astrology For The Psychic Entertainer

How to capitalize on the age-old popularity of astrology. The contents include: how to sell horoscopes with a simple code act, determining compatibility with astrology, close-up effects with an astrological theme, crystals and astrology, a complete astrology lecture, plus how to give cold readings with astrology. One chapter tells you how to predict the future with astrology, using a system that takes minutes to do. Add a new dimension to your act, or an extra string to your bow, with this material. No matter what sign you are, you’ll get useful information from this book! 74 pages. US$35.00

Aura Reading For Fun And Profit

This book describes a simple, yet effective way of giving cold readings. You can draw a simple aura on the back of your business cards, or give a full-length reading using crayons or paints—either way it provides very effective “window dressing” for a cold reading. A great way to have your name and work remembered. 74 pages. US$35.00

“A veritable wealth of information for all readers.” —Masklyn ye Mage, The New Invocation

“Webster at his very best.” —Bascom Jones, Magick

Believe: The Mentalism of Alexander Nelson

Here is another collection of Alexander Nelson’s favourite effects, including:

Q&A in the Dark: This is Alexander’s signature effect. He is the only person in the world to present Q&A this way.

When Will You Die: This is twisted, but all ends well. One effect they’ll never forget.

Project a Tarot Card: A “feel good” experiment in which an audience volunteer demonstrates her psychic ability, and receives a personal reading in the process.

Sex Pendulum: A pendulum effect for men, in which the participant proves to be a stud.

Invisible Deck Divination: An interesting divination using five coins and an Invisible Deck.

Today is Your Lucky Day: A quick, motivating effect using a business card that the participant will keep forever.

Ghost Behind You: This will leave your audiences with chills running up and down their spines. Some of the participants will feel the presence of a ghost, and one person will gain insight from a ghost.

EVP: Electronic Voice Phenomena, Alexander’s take on white noise.

Easiest, Boldest, and Strongest Q&A: A Q&A approach involving spirit guides and answers from Atlantis.

Easy Past Life: Alexander’s opening effect for private house parties.

Spirit Guide Portraits: How to give your private reading clients portraits of their spirit guides to take home with them.

64 pages, 6×9-inch case bound. US$97.50

Carnival of Secrets

by Neal Scryer, Richard Webster, et al

This new book of effects by Neal Scryer and seven friends contains approximately 75% mentalism and 25% readings and seances.

It includes 25 effects by Neal Scryer including his Non-Gimmicked Coin Bend (with a signed coin) and Scryer’s Haunted Pen, which was originally published as a private pamphlet for Neal’s closest friends. Both of these effects contain an additional routine by Michael Weber. Michael Weber also shares his Six Golden Rules on how to become a better performer, and Max Maven has provided an essay on the art of performance. Richard Webster includes his reputation maker, Astral Travel, and W.M. Barclay includes a full explanation and script of his famous John Lennon séance. If published separately, this séance would have sold for $100.00. Peter Arcane, Mark Garetz, and Loyd Auerbach complete the line-up of Neal Scryer’s friends who have generously contributed essays, effects, and techniques for this new book. This book also includes a Foreword by Marc Salem and an Afterword by Bob Cassidy. 144 pages, 6×9-inch case bound. US$145.00.

Cashing In On Past Lives

Hypnotic regressions are easy to do and very popular. This book tells you all you need to know, and even includes my word-for-word script so that you can get started right away. Many people make good livings doing nothing but past life regressions. If you are interested in hypnotism but have never tried it, this is the easiest way to start, as you can do excellent past life regressions even if you do not succeed in hypnotising your subject! 68 pages. US$35.00

“Highly recommended.” —Bascom Jones, Magick

“Highly recommended.” —Masklyn ye Mage, The New Invocation

The Chant

by Nick Bellas & Richard Webster

The Chant is a valuable ritual that you’ll be able to use everywhere you go to help people eliminate the negativity in their lives, and replace it with positive energy. You’ll also be able to use it on yourself to achieve everything you desire in this lifetime. Nick Bellas and Richard Webster have many years of experience in helping people overcome their limiting beliefs, and replace them with success, happiness, and a positive attitude toward life. "The Chant" was inspired by Carl Herron’s, “Have Séance, Will Travel”. 12 pages, 6×9-inch. US$27.50

Cold Reading For The Magician

How to incorporate cold reading lines into your magic effects to make your performances more memorable. The information here can increase your income dramatically, as the right cold readings can generate much larger tips. They can also help you get bookings! If you have not done any cold reading, before this provides a wonderful place to start, as you will quickly gain confidence in the art, and ultimately be able to give longer readings if you wish. Improve the entertainment value of your magic, and increase both your popularity and bank account with this material. 24 pages. US$15.00

“A wealth of useful lines and practical material for the mentalist.” —Bascom Jones, Magick

Cold Reading The Future With Numerology

This book teaches you how to use basic numerology to answer your clients’ questions about the future. “Will I be happy?” “Will my marriage last?” “Should I change jobs?” These, and many more, are the typical questions that psychics are regularly asked. This book will help you to predict the trends in your clients’ lives, and provide satisfactory answers to their questions about the future. A bonus booklet called You and Your Lucky Numbers is enclosed, and you have full permission to reprint or use it in any other way, with your name as author. 64 pages. US$35.00

Cold Reading Variations

This book is for experienced readers who want to add a bit of variety, or increase the range, of their readings. If you already have a system, such as numerology, you can immediately do all the suggested variations in this book. The variations covered include sand, paper, doodle, tree, dice, dominoes, tea leaves, coins, colour, and gemstone readings. 64 pages. US$35.00

Divination Systems: How to Choose the Right Oracle for You

This book looks at eleven of the most popular forms of divination, and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each one. Four chapters show you how to create an original system of your own to set you apart from other readers in your area. The final section includes The Ultimate System for Answering Questions, an approach used by one of the world’s leading psychics. This system has been lost on at least two occasions, and is finally in print for the first time. 64 pages. US$35.00

The End: Scryer’s Confidants

Twelve new ideas and effects by Neal Scryer, and a variety of effects and articles by his confidants, including High Priest D. Ablo, DiMon, Steve Drury, Charles Garner, Helmuth Grunewald, Matt Pulsar, Scott St Clair, AG Urban Shaman, Michael Weber, Richard Webster, and Dr. Jeremy Weiss. I have no idea how Neal persuaded all these talented entertainers to contribute their pet effects to this book, but I’m very grateful that he did. 98 pages, 6×9-inch case bound. US$95.00

Entertaining Mentalism

Thirteen routines for the psychic entertainer. One is for the stage performer, the rest for close-up workers. Interesting themes, such as aromatherapy and dowsing, are used to add to the audience’s interest. Standard ideas, such as psychometry, numerology, and the Tarot are given a new twist. One chapter includes ideas for cold readers. 64 pages. US$35.00

Gemstone Reading For Profit

by Hobrin (Brian Howard)

Crystals are “hot” right now, and this book explains exactly how to give a full reading using them. Hobrin uses a number of colored crystals (tumble polished stones are ideal) to make a very attractive display that further dresses the reading. People find the stones attractive and mysterious, making crystal reading very popular. 40 pages. US$20.00

“Timely, due to the crystal and stone craze.” —Bascom Jones, Magick

Great For Two Book Test

This is the book test used by Kreskin, Peter Reveen, Paul Daniels, and many other leading professionals.

This is the book test I use in every show. A husband and wife are invited up from the audience. The husband is given a dictionary to hold and the wife a novel. The husband opens up the dictionary and calls out the page number. His wife opens her novel at that page and tries to transmit the first word to her husband. He fails to pick it up. After three attempts, the mentalist asks the wife to tell her husband the word. He looks it up in the dictionary and finds the page is missing. The mentalist removes a page from his pocket and shows that it is the missing page, and the word the wife was concentrating on is circled.

You are provided with a specially printed, 476 page dictionary, which can be used as a normal dictionary. You also get the hilarious routine that has been perfected over hundreds of performances. You provide your own novel. For the last two years I have been telling everyone that I had sold out of these, but when we moved house I found another box. Because of the difficulties in production this will not be reprinted. US$100.00

Home Psychic Parties For Fun And Profit

For seven years I performed home psychic parties almost every night of the week. They provided a wonderful opportunity to develop as a performer and as a reader. Every night my performing situation was different, and to get repeat bookings my readings had to be of a consistently high standard. This book outlines everything I did at these parties, from the first contact over the phone to the thank you letter I sent afterwards. The 15 chapters cover: what exactly is a home psychic party?, the three stages of the party (psychic experiments, crystal ball gazing, and the private reading), what persona to use, what products to sell, suitable effects, marketing (how to get started and get further bookings from every party you do), advance preparation, how much to charge, etc. The actual business cards and letters I used are included. I also include details of Psychometry Parties and Psychic Development Parties for people who want more.

Very little has been written on this lucrative area of mentalism. The wonderful thing is that you can start these parties in your own neighbourhood and not have to travel vast distances to make a living. This material got me started as a full-time entertainer. 64 pages. US$35.00

“Richard Webster has done it again. You’ll find that your first, easy-to-book psychic party will pay you many times over the cost of the book.” —Bascom Jones, Magick

How To Build Up A Psychic Practice
With Full Length Cold Readings

The only book available on how to give full length (30—60 minute) readings, and how to build this ability into a business. A complete reading is included, along with an annotated explanation to make it as clear as possible. Other chapters cover: extending the length of your readings, repeat business, the first 10 minutes of the reading, and how to make money in private practice. Being a private reader can be extremely lucrative. Learn how to do it in this book. Revised/expanded edition. 112 pages. US$45.00

“A gold mine.” —Stephen Minch, Letter from Hades

“A great new book, a MUST for serious psychics.” —Bascom Jones, Magick

“The most comprehensive, thorough, and lucid explanation for one to set up a complete psychic business ever produced. UNRESERVEDLY RECOMMENDED!” —Masklyn ye Mage, The New Invocation

How To Make Money Giving Free Talks

There are many clubs and organisations in your community that are always looking for guest speakers. As they usually cannot afford to pay a fee, they find it hard to attract good speakers. Talking to these groups offers you a variety of benefits:

  • It increases your visibility in the community.
  • It enables you to hone your speaking skills and develop new talks.
  • It gives you an opportunity to sell products and services after your talk.
  • It gives you an opportunity to pitch for future paid shows.
This book includes chapters on Money, How to Get Booked, Publicity, and four talks that you can use immediately (“The Wonderful World of Magic”, “Weight-Loss”, “The World of the Psychic”, and “The World of the Con Man”). Everything is included to get you started in this niche market, and make money giving free talks. 72 pages. US$35.00

King of the Small Towns

How to Make a Comfortable Living as a Psychic or Psychic Entertainer in a Small Town

The first chapter of this book discusses the several years I spent performing my show in small towns (as few as 5,000 people). It describes exactly how I self-promoted my show, and what I did to make it financially successful. The rest of the book covers how to make a good living if you live in a small town. The subjects covered include: private readings, classes and workshops, setting up your own secret magic circle, promoting psychic days, séances, home psychic parties, monthly talks, horoscopes, ghost hunting, ghost walks, and, yes, even magic shows. This book is for people who live in a small market, or are interested in taking their show into smaller communities. 60 pages. US$35.00

Ladies Nights

A complete system for getting bookings on the quiet nights of the week, promoting your own Ladies Nights. The evenings are part lecture, part demonstration, and are fun for the spectators—and easy for the performer to present. A complete sample evening is included, word for word. If you are serious about making real money in this profession, you’ll find this book a gold mine. If you’re a hobbyist, save your money. 63 pages. US$35.00

The Mail Order Psychic

This is the only book telling you how to set yourself up as a mail order psychic. Part One is on selling computerized charts, covering which charts sell best, where to get them and how to market them. Part Two covers selling readings on cassette. The bulk of this section is on clairvoyancy readings, but my other readings are also covered. An entire clairvoyancy reading is included to show you exactly how I do them. Selling readings by mail creates an excellent extra source of income for both the psychic entertainer and cold reader. 72 pages. US$35.00

Money-Making Psychic Development Classes

I’ve been promising to reveal the secrets in this book for several years, and have finally done it. This book contains everything you need to know to start offering your own classes on psychic development. For years I have done these in my own home, and almost always have a waiting list of people wanting to attend. This book explains every detail of my course, which is held for ninety minutes a week for six weeks. I tell you how to get clients, what to teach them, and what items to sell to them. One of the features of my course is that I hand out 24 sheets of detailed notes. These are all included in the book, ready for you to use yourself. If you put your name and address on these, they become advertisements, as your students will show them to others. My classes are entertaining and fun for the participants. Most psychic classes are dull and boring, with the students spending most of their time writing down notes from a blackboard. Mine are designed to be enjoyable and practical. All of the experiments I use are explained, along with much of my patter. You can make a good part-time or full-time living teaching these classes. Everything you need to know is included. 77 pages. US$35.00

Neal Scryer and Friends

by Neal Scryer, Richard Webster, et al

In this keenly awaited book, Neal Scryer and over 80 of his friends share more than 140 effects, tips, and suggestions for psychics and psychic entertainers. Neal has included more than 30 new effects, including his legendary “Box of Enlightenment”. His friends have contributed 87 effects. In addition, there are 17 tips and articles for psychic readers, 3 suggestions for psychic entertainers, and 7 routines and suggestions for people who perform genuine psychic work. Neal’s previous books (The Practical Psychic’s Little Black Book and The Practical Psychic’s Little White Book) created a sensation in the mentalism world and quickly sold out. 671 pages. 6×9-inch case bound. US$150.00

Pendulum Power
For The Psychic Entertainer

69 pages of effects and routines using the much under-utilised pendulum. Included are two complete routines using no trickery whatsoever; a chapter containing 7 impromptu effects that can be done without trickery; a routine that can be used in a lecture/demonstration that has everyone taking your advertising material home with them; plus 11 effects by me and a bonus routine by Paul Marcus; and a chapter on how to hypnotize with a pendulum in a close-up situation. 69 pages. US$35.00

“Another ‘must have’ book for every mentalist.” —Bascom Jones, Magick

“Excellent. Very useful material.” —Ormond McGill

“Get this book—you won’t be sorry.” —Brother Shadow, Vibrations

Pitch Books

How to Make Extra Money by Selling Books After Your Show

This book contains 15 pages of information on how to sell your own pitch book. Included is a camera-ready pitch book for you to take to your own printer and have your name listed on the front as being the author. This 27-page pitch book, called Your Lucky Stars!, gives your clients a personal reading for every day until the end of 2020. I also include a lecture that utilizes the pitch book, and makes people want to buy your book. Also included are 13 ideas on how to sell pitch books, even if you are not a performer. US$45.00

“One of the most provocative books published for psychic entertainers during the past twelve months.’—Bascom Jones, Magick

Plan For Success

A Business Plan for Magicians

A simple, easy to follow business plan that could change your life. You can do reasonably well without a business plan. I did for years. Once I discovered the advantages of using a plan, however, I started to make much more money with less effort than before. My business plan forced me to focus my energies and devise ways to achieve my various goals. I finally knew where I was going. You can draw up your own business plan very quickly. Once you have your own plan, you’ll wonder how you ever managed to get by without one. Revised/updated (2015) edition. 36 pages. US$20.00

The Practical Psychic’s Little Black Book

by Neal Scryer & Richard Webster

Neal Scryer is the pseudonym of a well-known New York psychic entertainer. This book contains all the ideas and secrets that have brought him fame and success as both an entertainer and a psychic reader. None of the effects in this book is hard to do. Most are impromptu, and use simple props, such as a pendulum, business cards, Tarot cards, and playing cards. Some effects use no props at all. Some of the effects are close-up, but most can be performed for both small and large groups. Neal Scryer is a psychic as well as a psychic entertainer; consequently, a number of the ideas in this book involve no trickery, as they are “the real thing.” Limited (First) Edition, 92 pages. US$60.00

The Practical Psychic’s Little White Book

More Mentalism from Neal Scryer (with Richard Webster)

Neal’s first book, The Practical Psychic’s Little Black Book, caused a sensation in the psychic world when it was published in early 2011. Almost everyone who bought that book immediately asked to be put on the waiting list for the next one. This book is almost twice as long as the first, and contains more than 70 effects and routines that Neal uses on a regular basis. None of them is hard to do, and they all use simple props and methods. In this book, along with ideas using the A to Z principle, the PATEO force, the pendulum, and effects with cards, Neal includes chapters on how to use past lives and angels in your psychic — and psychic entertainment — work. Neal Scryer is a psychic as well as a psychic entertainer; consequently, a number of ideas in this book contain no trickery, as they are “the real thing.” This book is essential reading for any serious psychic/psychic entertainer. Limited (First) Edition, 137 pages. US$100.00

“I’ve long maintained that if you’re not actively working with material of Neal’s caliber, you’re working at a severe disadvantage. Get this book and prosper!” —Jerome Finley

“Scryer and Webster unequivocally are the best at what they do.” —Marc Salem

“… essential reading for any mentalist interested in learning the ‘underground’ secrets of one of the world’s top readers and mentalists. Highly recommended. —Bob Cassidy

The Psychic Business

This book is an overview of the various things I have done over the last 30 years, looking at how and why I did them, and discussing how I would go about doing them again if I were starting today. Topics covered include home psychic parties, private readings, hypnotism, psychic development classes, séances, one-day workshops, Ladies Nights, and mail order sales. 60 pages. US$35.00

The Psychic Reader’s Toolbox  new item!

This book is for people who have done some readings, but want to become better at it. The first part covers “the impossible dream”, which is the ability to look at strangers and instantly give them a reading. Although this is probably an impossible goal, there are techniques that can help you replicate it. Part Two is called “Becoming a Psychic Reader”, and includes a variety of ideas that your clients will find useful. Part Three teaches you how to tell people what day of the week their birthday is on. If you’ve ever wanted to be a rain man, this simple method will appeal. Part Four teaches you how to give Akashic Record readings and interpret your clients’ dreams. Part Five is called “How to Become the Best Reader in Your Area”, and includes advice on how to take your reading career as far as you want it to go. Part Six is on how to produce and sell pitch books to enhance your career, gain recognition & credibility, and make money. Part Seven, “The Mentalist’s Cash Register”, lists more than 40 ways to make money in the mentalism field. 106 pages. US$45.00

Psychometry From A To Z

A simple system of doing psychometry the way “real” psychics do—without any secret marks. Using this system you can do psychometry anywhere, any time. A chapter on traditional methods of doing psychometry is included, plus some background information, and a chapter of effects and routines. 74 pages. US$35.00

“A gold mine for the working mentalist, as well as the private reader. I think it’s his best.” —Bascom Jones, Magick

Quick And Effective Cold Reading

A complete text on how to give brief cold readings to anyone and astound them with your accuracy. With this system you can give different readings to everyone, so if you are doing readings for a group it doesn’t matter if everyone listens to everyone else’s. Revised/expanded edition. 112 pages. US$45.00

“One of the all-time GREAT publications in mentalism.” —Bascom Jones, Magick

“This book alone could start many on a road to profit and career. Highly recommended.” —Masklyn ye Mage, The New Invocation

“One of the three best books ever written on cold reading.” —Doug Dyment

Quick Readings With Numerology

A quick and easy way to give brief numerology readings on the back of your business card. This system is ideal for radio talk shows as all you need is the person’s date of birth. 12 pages. US$10.00

“A ‘must’ for private readers.” —Bascom Jones, Magick

“Jam-packed with excellent (and quotable) interpretations. Recommended.” —Masklyn ye Mage, The New Invocation

Readings as Entertainment

This is the only book that teaches you how to make money providing entertaining readings for the lucrative corporate market. It covers how to gain experience, how to find work, the six most popular—and profitable—types of readings, what type of readings to offer if the client doesn’t want “psychic” readings, how to turn your reading skills into a part-time or full-time business, and how to operate it professionally. This book also includes a complete introduction to all six of the most popular types of readings. 128 pages. US$45.00

Readings from the Client’s Point of View

by Charles Garner

In this long-awaited sequel to Secrets of a Psychic Reader, celebrity reader Charles Garner explains how to give readings that are satisfying and helpful to your clients. In this book he covers: Who are your clients? Why do people visit psychic readers? What problems do your clients have? The two stages of a psychic reading. Counseling. The ethics of giving psychic readings. Repeat business. How to promote your psychic business. The advantages of using a system. The basics of crystal reading. Charles also provides a brief history of psychic reading, and discusses the people who helped and influenced him in his career as a psychic reader. 95 pages. US$45.00

Scryer Speaks

by Neal Scryer & Richard Webster

More of Neal Scryer’s favorite material, including: Double Contact Mind Reading (contact mind reading using two people), The Rose Knows (a different approach to readings, and the client receives a rose), Spirit Message on Rose Petals (one of Neal’s most impressive secrets), You Do Voodoo (worth its weight in gold), The Phantom Snakebite (one of Neal’s most talked-about effects), Under My Thumb (an intuitive reading using a compact mirror), and PK Rose Touch (A powerful PK touch that plays well for couples). 50 pages, 6×9-inch case bound. US$99.00

Scryer’s 13

by Neal Scryer, Richard Webster, et al

This collection contains eleven new effects by Neal Scryer, and a selection of ideas and effects for psychics and psychic entertainers by thirteen of his friends: Keith Barry, Meraux Dantes, Jerome Finley, Sidney Free, Docc Hilford, Ross Johnson, Ted Karmilovich, Darrel Mac, Tony Michaels, Richard Osterlind, Sandra Sisti, Peter Turner, and Richard Webster. Foreword by Joe Curcillo, and Afterword by Jon Stetson. 188 pages, 6×9-inch case bound. US$165.00

“Killer material. Enuf said …” —Ted Karmilovich

“It should have been titled Scryer’s 13 Steps to Mentalism — it’s that good.” —Neal Rider

“As usual, top notch stuff. This should be on everyone’s book shelf.” —Tony Razzano

Scryer’s Band of Readers

by Neal Scryer, Richard Webster, et al

This is the ultimate book on giving readings. Neal Scryer asked 43 of the world’s most talented psychic readers to share their methods and secrets on how to give successful readings. We expected just a few to respond, but all of them were keen to contribute their knowledge and expertise. This is the largest book of material devoted solely to this useful art. It is the only book of its kind that has ever been produced, and contains material for any mentalists or readers seeking to maximize their skills and earning potential. 473 pages, 6×9-inch case bound. US$150.00

“This book is Annemann and Corinda put together for readers!” —Sal Franchino

Scryer’s Black & White

by Neal Scryer & Richard Webster

This book contains the unabridged contents of both The Practical Psychic’s Little Black Book and The Practical Psychic’s Little White Book, the two volumes that introduced Neal Scryer to the mentalism community. Neal Scryer is the pseudonym of a well-known New York psychic entertainer who has used the information in these books to make a good living for many decades. None of the effects is hard to do, and they all use simple props and methods. 184 pages, 6×9-inch case bound. US$165.00

Scryer’s Eidolon

by Neal Scryer, Richard Webster, et al

This book is packed with valuable material for people interested in seances and bizarre magic, both real and theatrical. In many ways, it’s a continuation of “Scryer’s Seers” with over sixty articles, effects, and routines from Neal Scryer, Loyd Auerbach, William Barclay, Zac Barkowski, Dr. D. Cleveland, Devil’s Disciple, Dimon, Oliver Ferguson, The Good Luck Witch, Tony Iacoviello, Graveyard Johnny, Julie Ann Johnson, Prince of Darkness, Scott St. Clair, Dr. Skitso, Dr. Charles Snake, Ava Spellman, Tatiana, Reverend Travis, Michael Weber, Richard Webster, Dr. Jeremy Weiss, & Dr. Zombie. Neal Scryer has fourteen contributions, including his famous Power Animals and Three Spiral-Bound Notebooks (which he uses for over-the-phone readings). Several of the contributors work independently and have had no previous contact with the world of magic. Their unique slants on the art of the bizarre—not to mention how they make money from it—is priceless for hobbyists and professionals alike, and unavailable from any other source. 228 pages, 6×9-inch, case bound. US$149.50

Scryer’s Elite

by Neal Scryer, Richard Webster, et al

This collection includes ten new effects and ideas from Neal Scryer, plus effects from fourteen of his friends: William Barclay, Zac Barkowski, Larry Baukin, Steve Drury, Philipp Ganglberger, Helmuth Grunewald, Anthony Jacquin, Max Maven, Sudo Nimh, Matt Pulsar, John Riggs, Michael Weber, Richard Webster, and Jeremy Weiss. Introduction by Michael Weber. 110 pages, 6×9-inch, case bound. US$115.00

Scryer Goes Impromptu

by Neal Scryer & Richard Webster

This is completely different to the other books in the Scryer series. It consists entirely of effects and readings that can be performed anywhere using nothing but paper and pencils, and other common objects that are readily available. For instance, Neal Scryer includes a book test that can be done with any book, and an amazing reading using a glass of water and a coin. Neal’s reputation-making Double Contact Mindreading uses two paper napkins. Neal includes a few body magic effects, all with his unique twist, and his PK Heart Touch that will touch from one to a hundred hearts. The book includes 36 ideas and effects, and 17 readings. If you want to be able to work impromptu anywhere, at any time, this book is for you. 84 pages, 6×9-inch case bound. US$110.50

Scryer’s Grey Book

by Neal Scryer & Richard Webster

In this book, Neal Scryer shares 43 of his favorite effects, routines, and tips for mentalists and readers. They are all easy to do, but have a powerful effect on audiences. The effects include five Q&A routines, including Scryer’s famous Doll Q&A (which has become his signature piece), Scryer’s Key to Happiness (which is his version of the haunted key), The Seven Keys of Scryer, Cut-Price Book Test, The Holy Man visualization, Lucky Coin, Third Eye Energy Test, Rainbow Rose, and much more. 72 pages, 6×9-inch, case bound. US$115.00

Scryer’s Secrets

by Neal Scryer & Richard Webster

This book contains 22 effects and ideas for mentalists and readers. He explains how he collects people’s business cards, works with a stooge, and conducts numerology readings using banknotes. The effects include: Multiple Book Pateo, Scryer’s Aura Touch, Imaginary Coin Flip, Someone has a Beautiful Aura, Who’s the Angel?, Happy or Sad Thought, Remote Viewing Over the Phone, and Blindfold Beatle Telepathy. All the effects are simple to perform, yet have a profound effect upon the audience. The book includes close-up, parlour, and stage effects. 67 pages, 6×9-inch case bound. US$99.00

Scryer’s Seers

by Neal Scryer, Richard Webster, et al

This book is for people who are interested in bizarre magick and séances — both real and theatrical. The 35 contributors include Neal Scryer (12 effects), Loyd Auerbach, William Barclay, Larry Baukin, Steve Drury, Doug Dyment, Charles Garner, Helmuth Grunewald, Tony Iacoviello, Lary Kuehn, Jim Magus, Alexander Nelson, Stuart Palm, Scott St. Clair, Jon Stetson, Mark Stevens, Christopher Taylor, Neil Tobin, Terry Tyson, Michael Weber, Richard Webster, and Dr. Jeremy Weiss. A number of other contributors are using pseudonyms, as they’re well known in other fields and need to conceal how they really make money. As a bonus, Neal has included 22 ways to use the haunted key (this was originally going to be released separately). One reader described this book as “the Annemann for séance performers.” Another said this was “the 13 Steps for bizarrists” 314 pages, 6×9-inch, case bound. US$145.00

Scryer’s Soothsayers

by Neal Scryer & Richard Webster

This is the final title in the Scryer trilogy of books for people interested in seances, bizarre magic, and readings. (The other two are Scryer’s Seers and Scryer’s Eidelon.) This book contains sixty-five articles, effects, ideas, & routines from Neal Scryer, Loyd Auerbach, William Barclay, Zac Barkowski, Larry Baukin, Alexander Blackwood, Louis Castillo, Dr. D. Cleveland, Dimon, Steve Drury, Alphonse Durand, L. Espectro, Charles Garner, Graveyard Johnny, Helmuth Grunewald, Tony Iacoviello, Julie Ann Johnson, Michael Mercier, Natas, Tony Razanno, Evan Reida, Scott St. Clair, Dr. Charles Snake, Jon Stetson, The Tarot King, Richard Webster, & Dr. Jeremy Weiss. Some of the contributors use pseudonyms, as they are well known in other areas of magic; others have never associated with magicians, and devised their own methods by trial and error. As well as eleven new effects and ideas for readers, Neal Scryer has included eleven of his famous “Scryer Speaks” words of advice. 248 pages, 6×9-inch case bound. US$149.00

Scryer’s Sorceries  new item!

by Neal Scryer & Richard Webster

In this long-awaited new book, Neal offers a mixture of 63 close-up, parlor, and stage effects and ideas covering mentalism, seances, and readings. It contains a wealth of material for amateurs as well as professionals. Neal reluctantly allowed me to include his famous Tea Bag Act, and his version of Key-R-Rect called “Scryer’s Wish-Fulfilling Pendulum.” All the effects are easy to perform, and — as always — the book contains solid information with no padding. 84 pages, 6×9-inch case bound. US$110.00

Scryer’s Vault

by Neal Scryer & Richard Webster

This book from Neal Scryer contains 24 powerful, yet easy to do, routines and ideas that you’ll enjoy performing. It includes ideas for readers, and effects for both close-up and stand-up performers. This book is called “Scryer's Vault” as some of the effects predate the material in the Black and White Book, while others have been developed more recently. It includes some of Neal Scryer’s most cherished secrets, including Imaginary Seashells, Svengali Automatic Writing, Rose Blessing and Reading, Email Q&A, Scryer’s Astrological Sign, and PK Touch Pateo. 94 pages, 6×9-inch case bound. US$99.00

“I owe a debt of gratitude to Neal for re-energizing the passion in my work.” —Oliver Ferguson

Secrets of a Psychic Reader

by Charles Garner

Charles Garner is the pseudonym of a highly successful psychic reader who works at the top end of the market, reading for movie stars and celebrities. The first section of this book tells his life story, including the years he spent pitching horoscopes, presenting séances, and working as a professional magician. The second half of outlines his methods and secrets. As a working psychic, he allows himself a maximum of five talents; he explains these talents, and why he chose them. He lists the essential requirements of a psychic reader, and gives advice on how to give readings, the areas of major concern, people’s wants and needs, and how to handle repeat bookings. He also includes an Anatomy of a Reading and advice on publicity and promotion. Charles’ book is essential reading for anyone wanting to become a successful private reader. 96 pages. US$45.00

Simple & Pure

The Mentalism of Jonathan Stravinsky

Jonathan Stravinsky is a young, semi-professional mentalist with a unique slant on everything he does. In this book, he teaches fourteen memorable and entertaining routines using simple props. Simple & Pure includes five effects with the invisible deck, three effects with a nail writer, two effects with the Svengali deck, two book tests (including the easiest one you’ll ever find), one Tarot card effect, and a hilarious routine using a raw egg — instead of a spike — hidden under one of six Styrofoam™ cups. All the effects in this booklet are highly commercial and easy to do. 38 pages, 6×9-inch. US$35.00

Strictly Scryer

by Neal Scryer & Richard Webster

Strictly Scryer contains a selection of Neal Scryer’s favorite effects. All are simple to perform, yet have a powerful effect on the audience. The book includes “The Twelve Roses”, which could be a complete act on its own (Scryer uses this for ladies’ groups). “Crematory Journey” is an ashes-in-the-hand effect with a past-life theme. “Sneaky Si Stebbins” is a beautiful effect that can be done with any set-up deck. Scryer includes a number of effects using the PATEO force. One of these, “Murder Mask”, has the mentalist find a murderer, and “Anything Called Out” can be done for large groups, involving up to fifty people. “The World’s Greatest and Easiest Q&A” and “Hundred Dollar Bank Nite” are priceless effects in the hands of a good entertainer. 98 pages, 6×9-inch case bound. US$99.00

The Tarot For Fun And Profit

When most people think of fortune telling, they think of the tarot. This means that the ability to read tarot cards is virtually an essential requirement for psychic entertainers and psychic readers. Unfortunately, many people feel intimidated when faced with the task of learning the meanings of 78 cards. It all seems too hard, and the cards are put away in a drawer and forgotten. My new book explains a straightforward, uncomplicated way to learn the cards, using the pictures on each card as a memory aid. Chapters include: Story-telling with the cards, How to give brief readings, Longer readings, Setting yourself apart from all the other tarot readers, and Making money. I even includes two of my favorite tarot effects. 68 pages. US$35.00

Using Your Intuitive Edge
For Fun And Profit

Professional speaking offers huge rewards for good entertainers. It never ceases to amaze me, as a magician, that people will pay several times my performing fee just to hear me talk—but they do! This book explains what is needed to make money in this exciting field, how to get started, and what to offer. One chapter covers suitable effects to perform, and another shows how to have your audience demonstrate their psychic capabilities. I include two of my own sixty-minute talks: one on using your intuition in business and the other on motivation. If you want to make really big money in the psychic world, you need this book! 64 pages. US$35.00

The Walkabout Mentalist’s Toolbox

This book covers Richard’s unique way of doing walkabout and close-up mentalism. When he approaches a group, he offers them a lucky charm, a quick reading, a psychic experiment, a magic trick, or a joke. This book covers The Real Thing, 14 Mentalism effects, Mnemonics and Memory (5 effects), Jokes, and Getting Started in Readings. There’s even a brief section on standup performing, which includes Richard’s Story Deck and Joke Memory. Richard also includes his favorite effect: The Reincarnation Card Trick, which is published in book form for the first time. 90 pages. 6×6 inches. US$35.00

You Are A Rainbow!

Tick sheets make excellent giveaways, and because they are personalized, they are often kept, providing wonderful advertising for you and your services. Your client is asked to answer three questions, and from these the sheet is filled out in seconds. You are a Rainbow! tells the people a little about themselves, what they enjoy doing, a keyword to describe them, and even suggests the best type of partner for them. This provides an excellent basis for a cold reading, of course, but more importantly, it is something they will keep forever. US$15.00

“Get this book.” —Docc Hilford, The New Invocation

“A ready to print novelty tick sheet that is an excellent giveaway and lets you do a quick reading.” —Bascom Jones, Magick

… Doug Dyment